☰ Blogs
August 2024
August 30 2024: I'm windows free!!! Finally made the jump, got almost everything working! Just setting up my wacom tablet drivers and I'm good to go!!! I had ubuntu on my work laptops for over a year and finally felt comfortable to make the jump on my main desktop! Was gonna do ARCH with KDE Plasma but the drivers gave me so much trouble I went back to Ubuntu and man! I love this OS its great imo and works right out the box :D more ppl should try it!

August 23 2024: Created an epic tutorial site!!1 :3 itz 2 help pplz learn html, you can find da tutorial on mai Spacehey blog!! The linkz r on my homepage!! :3 i thinkizing about making an interactive point and blcok gaem in html?! Not sure what kind yet tho :p but i gotz ideas hehe.

August 19 2024: Updated da site again and mai epic 404 not_found page hehe find the hidden button on it >:3!! gonna add an about me page maybe? idk my spacehey is my about me i thinkz XP... but I will add a better gallery 4 artz, ill leave da artfite stuff on main page 4 now but maybee i needz a diff tab 4 it as i get more artz over da years. Also want 2 seperate it from mai own artz I post up here.. Getting da hang of dis HTML stuffz n i luvvv working on dis site so much :3 !!! hope u enjoy da update! will add more OCs asap (maybe after i type diz)??

August 2 2024: Updated art wall for the end of art fight! thank u for an awesome first year everyone. Currently been playing a lot of Horse Life on roblox, I really enjoy it. Also looking for a new horse barn to ride at as mine is closing down due to being bought out by contracting... its horrible and making me angry but sadly despite protests we have been ignored... I have been at that one barn my whole life so looking for a new one sure is scary! but on a better note, check out my awesome ponies :3 also i am adding a characters tab all about my ocs on my site! check it out!