☰ Blogs
JULY 2024

July 28 2024: Updated my site today! creating some assets from scratch will make a link on my site to an asset page once I have a decent amount accumulateddd!!!!! I'm sooooo excited!!! also I gotz a new car YIPIEEE!! it's a subaru!!!

Hoping to do more w this site as I learn!!! I am still getting used to HTML Xp... Thanks 4 tuning in!!!

July 6th 2024: hung out w frens and we watched the gobbowl arc of wakfu tgthr!!!, it's mai 3rd teim watching da show. Am I da only 1 who leiks da Gobbowl arc??!! it'z so funny 2 meh xp I rly leik Pon Pon in deez episodez. Bc he is just leik a dork??? alzo we played Krosmaster and I won a game!! wif quilby, eva, and amalia (ewwwwwz). I dun rly leik amalia is that just me????!!! she seems leik such a brat xp, and she nevah rly growz thru out da show imo??? leik shes alwayz so "me me me"!!! I HATE (SPOLIERS SEASON 4) dat Yugo marries her leik whaaat xd ???