☰ Blogs
September 6 2024: Did a whole bunch of work on my website yesterday and today... Happy friday everyone! My webcomic is in full swing you can visit it Here! I started work on chapter 2 today, I like the idea of using different mediums and styles to represent Saber's disconnect with his wrold. As I learn and experiment more with HTML I am considering migrating my site to a self hosted server or to Nekoweb as I'm broke as fuck and need more space and assets as my site expands. I will be revamping the Art Gallery Tab later today, I plan on creating another menu linking to month/year the art was creating and possibly creating and archive buttton to host old works I am kinda embarassed about now (Wow have I improved over the years!)... I am drafting up a blog on Ecco the dolphin and how the spritework and art has inspired me! I also plan on writing a Blog about TBOI and it's influence on my comic specifically. Thanks for tuning in!